CQ-M International DX contest
1.1 The contest is hold annually on 2nd full weekend of May (since 1957).
1.2 Everyone’s invited: world-wide amateur radio operators are welcome to join the contest.
1.3 WHAT’S NEW (2024) — The MOST IMOPRANT changes are the following:
• VIRTUAL LOGS accepted: your QSOs points are counted even if some stations you worked didn’t send their contest logs;
• 30 new plaques issued: for Europe, Asia, NA&SA, Africa & Oceania TOP leaders (all categories);
• E-certificate for everyone: who make at least 200 QSO (100 QSO on 160 m) will be available after the contest.
2.1 The contest is starting at 12.00 UTC 11th of May and finishing 11.59 UTC 12th of May 2024.
2.2 Bands: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz with subject to CW and PHONE frequency band portions.
2.3 Modes – CW, SSB.
3.1 Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time for all participants.
3.2 There is no limit on band or mode changes for all participants’ category.
3.3 Duplicate contacts are counted on different bands or different modes within a same band.
4.1 Scoring for all mentioned later entry category: among all radio stations (world classification), among all stations within same continent (continental classification) and within each country of «Р-150-С» award list.
4.2 Groups:
4.2.1 SOSB (single operator — single band):
• SOSB CW Single operator — single band — CW only;
• SOSB SSB Single operator — single band — SSB only;
• SOSB MIX Single operator — single band — Mixed mode (CW and SSB);
4.2.2 SOAB: (single operator — all bands):
• SOAB CW — Single operator — all bands — CW only;
• SOAB SSB — Single operator — all bands — SSB only;
• SOAB MIX — Single operator — all bands — Mixed mode (CW and SSB);
• SOAB QRP — Single operator — all bands — QRP, maximum output power no more then 5 W;
• SOAB CW LP — Single operator — all bands — CW only — maximum output power no more then 100 W;
• SOAB SSB LP — Single operator — all bands — SSB only — maximum output power no more then 100 W;
• SOAB MIX LP — Single operator — all bands — Mixed mode (CW and SSB) — maximum output power no more then 100 W;
4.2.3 MOST:
• multi operators — all bands — single transmitter — mixed mode (CW and SSB).
5.1 The serial number consists of RS (RST) report and a progressive contact serial number starting from 001.
5.2 Serial numbers should be sending in ascending order.
6.1 Each contact within same continent scored with 2 points. Only for contact points scoring Asia and Europe counts as the same continent — Eurasia.
6.2 Each contact between different continents scored with 3 points.
7.1 The multipliers are — countries according «Р-150-С» award list on each band. The award country list located at:
7.2 The contacts with «/MM» stations gives no multiplier.
8.1 The final result scored as multiplying sum of all contacts points to sum of all multipliers.
9.1 The stations taking 1st places in world classification as SOAB и MOST will be awarded with trophies.
9.2 Foreign participants (outside of Russia), taking 1st places in world classification as SOSB, as well as 1st place in continental classification as MOST и SOAB (the highest overall score in MIX, CW и SSB) will be awarded with pennants.
9.3 The winner of the category will be awarded only if this entry has no less then 10 participants.
9.4 E-certificates will be awarded following stations:
– taking 1…3 places in world classification in each of SOSB entries;
– taking 1…3 places in continental classification in each of SOSB, SOAB, MOST entries;
– taking 1st places in each country according «Р-150-С» award for each category: SOSB, SOAB, MOST.
9.5 Rewarding is made if participant has at least 300 confirmed contacts (150 contacts for 1.8MHz band).
9.6 All participants who make more than 200 confirmed contacts (100 contacts on 1.8MHz band) will eligible for E-certificate.
9.7 The E-certificate is a file that can be downloaded from official contest website after the contest.
9.8 Check the details by visiting official website:
10. LOGS
10.1 The participant log should be in Cabrillo format.
10.2 The log should be uploaded only by using WEB-interface:
10.3 Paper logs are not permitted for judging.
10.4 The deadline for providing logs is 10 days from the end of the contest.
Judging of the contest is a fully computer process, taking into account all contacts with participants who did not send a log.
11.1 E-certificate for everyone: who make at least 200 QSO (100 QSO on 160 m) will be available after the contest.